Friday, 30 January 2015


Hey loves! I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting lately. I've been sick whole week, but now I'm feeling a little bit better. At least my brain functions, so I can write haha. I believe lots of you are sick, because it's that time of the year, so drink lots of tea, wear cosy clothes (fuzzy sweaters, yay!) and keep warm!
I noticed that you have/had a blizzard in some parts of USA? I hope you're all safe! We didn't have snow since new year and it was a little bit warmer, which I didn't like at all. Just if you didn't know before, I love winter. Well, winter with lots of snow. You see, that's the weird part: I'm cold all the time, but I still love winter the most. Last year we had a really mild winter and it only snowed once. When it did, it snowed A LOT and people lost electricity, lots of forest was damaged, there were many car accidents...And then it melted in like a few days. Yeah, great winter, great. Anyways, this post was supposed to be happy, so good news is: it snowed today!! It's probably still snowing now, but I can't see, because it's already dark outside. This is one of the things I love about winter as well. Evenings are the best part of the day for me, because I can get in my pjs and check all my social medias without any guilt haha. And since it gets darker sooner, more time for me. ;) My family gives me some weird looks when I get in my pjs at 6pm already, but that doesn't stop me lol.
So this morning I woke up at 6:30 and when I looked outside everything was white and so beautiful! There were no cars or people and no traces in the snow, even on the road. And the silence was wonderful! So peaceful and calming. I could just stand there and watch the snow fall down for hours. This was one of those times when I wished I was a great photographer, so I could capture some beautiful photos.
In the afternoon I went for a walk with my dog and there was already so much snow. But the one near roads was already dirty and black. That's the bad part about living in cities. And I believe lots of people weren't that happy about it, because the roads were frozen and everyone had to drive really slow. Personally I love it! And I can't wait to go outside tomorrow again! Let's hope it doesn't melt soon! Do you have any snow? Please post some pics in the comments, because I love winter wonderland. :) Thank you for reading!


  1. Randomly found your blog and can’t express how I like it! It was so interesting to read your posts and also I’d like to say that you have beautiful photos! I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!)

    p.s. new post - how I met Victoria Beckham

    Diana Cloudlet


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