
Me. Hm....what should I tell you about myself? There are so many things and to be honest I don't even think that you really want to know that much. I mean I can make a list of things I like and things I don't like, share some of my personal thoughts and tell you a bit about my life so far. Yeah, see what I did there? You can already read about all that in my blog posts. Now I really don't even know why I wanted to include this in my blog design so much. I suppose I can't just leave it blank and unfinished though. I mean I really shouldn't, because I've been trying to actually finish things that I've started lately. It's just easier to drop it when it gets hard, right? Yeah, I can be like that. But not today. Just give me a sec to figure out what to tell you.

What about why I even started this blog? That's a safe old topic. I don't like taking risks anyways. Not that this is such a risk. Well it will sound very predictable and not surprising at all, but let's be real I'm not outstanding in any way so here we go: I've been writing stories and poems since I learnt how to write. It's always fun and a bit embarrassing to go to my folder and read all my old writing attempts again. From books made of emails that I have been writing with my friend to fan fictions, books written like diaries and Christmas stories it seems like I wanted to try it all. Not to mention that I haven't gotten further than chapter three in any of my "books". It's just that I've always had a great idea for the topic, but than I just couldn't figure out how to make the story flow and how to add little plot twists in between.

Maybe that's why I've started writing this blog. Blog posts are short and you can write about different topics every time, even experiment a little. Idea for a great topic can strike me any time and writing a quick draft doesn't take that much time. And time is something that I don't have enough of which you can probably relate to. I could never stop writing though, so I just ended up here. And what's better than to also get a feedback from your readers, so you can improve? Yes, blogger seems pretty much ideal for me right now. I still hope that I'll write a book some time in the future, but there is so much to learn and improve (yes, I've also learnt that there is no future in writing a book in my language, so I have to improve my English before trying again). I do hope you didn't fall asleep and started staring through the window while reading this. I would have already stopped reading after first paragraph to be honest, it's not very promising at all. So you're practically my new favourite person on this planet if you're still with me. :) After my fluffy boy of course.

Lots of love and talk to you soon! xoxo

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