Friday 30 January 2015


Hey loves! I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting lately. I've been sick whole week, but now I'm feeling a little bit better. At least my brain functions, so I can write haha. I believe lots of you are sick, because it's that time of the year, so drink lots of tea, wear cosy clothes (fuzzy sweaters, yay!) and keep warm!
I noticed that you have/had a blizzard in some parts of USA? I hope you're all safe! We didn't have snow since new year and it was a little bit warmer, which I didn't like at all. Just if you didn't know before, I love winter. Well, winter with lots of snow. You see, that's the weird part: I'm cold all the time, but I still love winter the most. Last year we had a really mild winter and it only snowed once. When it did, it snowed A LOT and people lost electricity, lots of forest was damaged, there were many car accidents...And then it melted in like a few days. Yeah, great winter, great. Anyways, this post was supposed to be happy, so good news is: it snowed today!! It's probably still snowing now, but I can't see, because it's already dark outside. This is one of the things I love about winter as well. Evenings are the best part of the day for me, because I can get in my pjs and check all my social medias without any guilt haha. And since it gets darker sooner, more time for me. ;) My family gives me some weird looks when I get in my pjs at 6pm already, but that doesn't stop me lol.
So this morning I woke up at 6:30 and when I looked outside everything was white and so beautiful! There were no cars or people and no traces in the snow, even on the road. And the silence was wonderful! So peaceful and calming. I could just stand there and watch the snow fall down for hours. This was one of those times when I wished I was a great photographer, so I could capture some beautiful photos.
In the afternoon I went for a walk with my dog and there was already so much snow. But the one near roads was already dirty and black. That's the bad part about living in cities. And I believe lots of people weren't that happy about it, because the roads were frozen and everyone had to drive really slow. Personally I love it! And I can't wait to go outside tomorrow again! Let's hope it doesn't melt soon! Do you have any snow? Please post some pics in the comments, because I love winter wonderland. :) Thank you for reading!

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Be yourself, everyone else is taken

I was thinking today and I realised that there is so much stuff about me, that only my family knows.  I'm generally not so much of an open person and I think before I say something, but that's really weird. Like people don't even know the real me. Obviously I had friends before, but most of them turned out not to be so great, so maybe that made me more careful with trusting people? For example I became friends with someone and I was so happy, but then they started doing weird stuff, being mean, bossy, even started taking advantage of me. And poof, end of the friendship. Usually it even took an ''outside'' person to tell me that it's not good for me to stick to it.  Now in high school I have friends that I actually feel comfortable around and I finally started to open up. And guess what? We're similar in so many ways! If you think that there're things that only you do, think again. And it's so much fun to find people with a similar sense of humour and way of thinking! And actually saying what's on your mind feels so good. I always thought that ''I'm being myself'', but now I see how different this is. And for some time I thought friendships like that exist only in books and movies, but I was proved wrong, because there're still great people on this planet. :) 
One of the fears we probably all have is being judged. This is one of the main things that keeps holding me back in my life. I always admired girls and boys, who are confident enough to be unique, who change something about themselves only because they want to, who aren't afraid to show others who they really are. I used to thinks those were  all the pretty girls and attractive guys, but my mum told me that usually the most ''perfect'' ones are the least happy with themselves. That even models and celebrities feel really insecure about themselves. That in a way makes me feel better. Nobody is perfect, so don't be afraid to show your real you. Probably all people won't like you, but they wouldn't even if you pretended to be someone else. What matters the most, is that people you trully care about will and you'll feel much more comfortable being around them.
I hope this post helped you! I know it's all words and that it's harder to actually do it. Trust me, I've been there. But I don't want you to waste a minute of your life, not being the happiest you can be. :)

Saturday 17 January 2015

My first ever made quiz

I'm so sorry guys! I wanted to post this yesterday, but this actually takes A LOT of time to make and I had some problems with it. I really wanted to actually post the quiz on blogger, but I didn't find any option for it. :(  So here's a link to it:
 I hope you like it! I just wanted to try something a bit different! Thank you so much for reading my blog! Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Monday 12 January 2015

Hi, I'm a perfectionist.

I'm a perfectionist. I've been for a long time now and whenever I tell it to someone, they think that that's actually something good. But it's not, not at all. I am writing this now, because I've just read an article about it. Did you know that perfectionism lead to many psychical diseases? It does. And did you know that perfectionist eventually can't do the best he/she can anymore, so for example a great  student start getting bad grades. It also impacts your psychic feeling, which I can see, because I've been really depressed, tired and stressed lately. Perfectionist also have a lack of imagination and creativeness. You probably already know what perfectionism is, but you have to know the difference between perfectionist and ambitious person. They both have big goals for future, but the ambitious one actually enjoys achieving them, but perfectionist can only think about it he/she was good enough, if he/she really did the best. As you can see we're never content with ourselves, we just have to keep proving that we're good enough, which is sick! I know how it feels, because I never feel worth it and I always worry about the smallest mistakes that I've made. It also deprives me of the awesome feeling when you do better than your average. If you're average grade is B, then you're so happy when you sometimes get an A. But if your average grade is A, you just can't get better! I think what I am mostly scared of is teachers being disappointed in me or classmates making comments like ''Wow, you got a C? Really? How did that happen?''. I would probably start crying. I guess I just can't take the criticism? I don't know. I just know that I have to change, sooner better. This is really taking over my life. I feel like I don't even enjoy my life anymore. I believe I am not the only one, so if you have any idea how to change, please help! Any advice or a share of your experience will be very helpful. At least I'll know that I'm not alone. And if you have any question, please ask, I'd love to help. I realised that I'm way better it helping people solve their personal problems that my, haha. :) I'm so sorry for such a gloomy post. I promise to post something happy on Wednesday! Lots of love for you all!


Friday 9 January 2015

New Year's Resolutions

So, this is the first year that I even thought about making my New Year's resolutions. And I thought, why not? Setting goals and actually sticking to them is great for making priorities or just to find ways to improve your life. And those resolutions don't have to be hard or unpleasant like losing weight.  Think of the happy feeling you'll have when you tick off something. :) My teacher once said that setting small goals, well more like to-do lists each days is very helpful. I couldn't agree more. But always put on the list things that you're completely sure you'll manage to get done, so if you do even a little more, you're even more satisfied.Since this is the first time I'm doing this, why not share it with you guys. So next December we can all see how successful I'll actually be (not very probably, haha). Bur I promise to try my best. So, here they're:
- Being more social and not just on Internet haha ;) This means hanging out with my friends outside school more, going to cinema, shopping...I'll have to ask my buds if I accomplished that.
- Spending less time on social medias for sure. I spend waaay too much time, when I could actually be doing something creative and useful. Especially during holidays, when I have school I don't even have time for anything, really.
- Be less stressed and worry less about school grades. Like all perfectionist I care too much about grades which of course have to be perfect like everything I start doing, which is wrong! I have to tell this to myself more often! And stress really impacts my health, so that's a must, new year's resolution or not.
-  Post on this blog regularly. This one of my priorities as well, because I really want something in my life that I actually like and have fun creating. I am not a talented singer or painter, but I can write (at least I hope so haha). If I get a few readers along, even better. :)
- Be less egoistic. I mean it. I should listen to people around me
more, because no matter the fact that they have to adapt because of my disease, I could make it less just about me. I guess we're all a little bit egoistic, which is OK, because you have to put yourself first sometimes as well, but not as much as I do.

This is all. I know it's not much, but don't forget, you don't have to write a whole page. Really put on things that you think you can actually make happen. I hope I'll be able to tick off most of this resolutions. Let me know what are your resolutions for 2015! :) Thank you for reading!

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Style struggle

When I look around in my high school, I see so many people with such great unique styles and I always tell myself that I have to make my own style as well. But here's the problem. I like so many things from different styles, like I love shirts and jeans, but I also love skater skirts and dresses and floral pattern. I love cute graphic tops and I also want to dress more elegant. So when I come to the shopping mall I firstly don't even know to which store I should go. Besides, I go shopping on such rare occasions, usually when I really need something (because of the ''never enough time struggle'') , so I don't really have much already chosen. The other thing is that I'm not confident enough, to buy some pieces. My clothes are really very plain, jeans, lots of sweaters (I got way too many Christmasy ones) and actually just a few things that I actually like. That's probably also because I change my taste in clothes so quickly that I shouldn't be allowed to buy more than 2 things at once. That's what makes shopping even harder. I never really know if I should buy something, so I end up trying on for hours and then buying two things or nothing at all. My mum says that I am a very unsatisfied person and that I never like anything, but that's not completely true! I'm just not sure anymore what I like. If I see a girl what an outfit that I really love, I'd feel like a copy cat if I bought something similar. I kind of envy girls who start wearing something cute and it later becomes so popular, that when I notice it, so many people are already wearing it. Then I kind of don't want to have it anymore, because how can stay unique that way? Also, like I mentioned before, my style is very plain, nothing bold, so I think that if I started wearing different clothes people would give all sorts of mean comments, which I couldn't bear. I know, I'm a little bit pathetic. I hope I'm not the only one feeling this way. If you have any advice or tip that would help me, I'd be very happy to hear it. Thank you so much for reading this weird post, haha. :)

Monday 5 January 2015

How to study...and get good results!

I know many of you guys struggle with school. You  never seem to find that perfect way to score an A. Some of your classmates get great grades and no matter how much you try to convince yourself that you don't care, you would much rather bring home a good report as well. Don't worry, I have some helpful tips that will help you for sure.  :)

1. Don't start studying a day before test
I know you're sick of people telling you this, but trust me, one day before the test, you just can't get everything in your head. I mean, poor brain, all of a sudden it has to memorise so many new words and then there's also stress and fear...that's just a perfect formula for a disaster. So try to start studying at least 3 days before the test, best on the weekend before test. If you know you'll have a lot to learn or that you really don't understand that topic, try to find help  in advance. I know it sucks to study when you don't even understand what you're reading.
2. Pay attention in the class
This one is a life saver. I mean, books are great and all, but sometimes teacher explains in a different way, that's easier for you to understand. Texts in books can be pretty complex. And it's easier to study when you already know something from the class, so instead of day dreaming or chatting with you friend (it could get you in trouble anyways), listen & write notes. If you listen in class you may won't have to spend so much studying and you'll have more time for shopping or anything fun to do with friends. :)
3. Do your homework
I mean really do it, not copy it from your classmate just before the class. If you do homework, that's like checking how much you actually understand and if you maybe don't understand something, you can go to the teacher, so she can explain it to you, which is also another tip:
4. If you don't understand, ask
This one is very important too. If you don't understand something ask! You can ask your teacher, friend, classmate, brother, sister, parents, anyone really. Just don't say ''Well, I kind of get it. That's OK.'' No, because the next thing you'll learn will probably be connected with the last one which you don't quiet understand, so now tell me how will you understand this?  Nuh-oh, you have to make sure everything's clear to you.
5. Really study
You know when you say you'll go studying and you go to your room & open your book and start reading? Well, about that reading. When you read, make sure you're really reading, you have to concentrate and try to memorise as many things as possible. If you can't remember some definitions, read them again and again until you do. And if there's a picture beside it, maybe it will help you to connect it with the definiton. And try not to think about other things while you're reading. If something really bothers you, like I don't know, what we'll be for dinner this day, go and ask your mum before studying, that would definetely concern me, haha. Just make sure that you you're thinking while you're studying, because if you're not, it's just the same as if you aren't studying at all.
6. Take a break
When you end with one subject, take at least 15 minutes long break and do something that doesn't include a lot of thinking & memorising. You can take your dog for a walk, listen to some music, call your friend, check facebook/twitter/instagram, etc., because if you go on to studying another subject, you'll end up mixing up everything, which you don't want. Besides, it's nice to take a break, just don't make it too long. ;)
7. Make flash cards
When there's really a lot to study, it's easier to write down the important things from books. Definitions, formulas, short sentences, maybe just words which help you remember the rest. Flash cards are very useful also for things you can't memorise no matter what. If you write it on a flash card and put in on your desk, you'll see it every time you use your desk and eventually you'll manage to remember it.
8. Revise just before you go to bed
I don't know if this works for everyone, but If i revise just before I got bed, I usually memorise most of it till morning. So try this out and maybe it will help you as well.
9. A day before the test question yourself
To really make sure you know everything, ask yourself questions that you think might appear in the test. When you answer, check the correct answer in the book. Even better if you ask your friend to ask you. This makes studying more fun. :) And don't forget to return the favor!

So these are all the tips I have. I really hope you can find them useful and I hope that I helped you at all. Let me know what you think. Thanks so much for reading!