Tuesday 20 January 2015

Be yourself, everyone else is taken

I was thinking today and I realised that there is so much stuff about me, that only my family knows.  I'm generally not so much of an open person and I think before I say something, but that's really weird. Like people don't even know the real me. Obviously I had friends before, but most of them turned out not to be so great, so maybe that made me more careful with trusting people? For example I became friends with someone and I was so happy, but then they started doing weird stuff, being mean, bossy, even started taking advantage of me. And poof, end of the friendship. Usually it even took an ''outside'' person to tell me that it's not good for me to stick to it.  Now in high school I have friends that I actually feel comfortable around and I finally started to open up. And guess what? We're similar in so many ways! If you think that there're things that only you do, think again. And it's so much fun to find people with a similar sense of humour and way of thinking! And actually saying what's on your mind feels so good. I always thought that ''I'm being myself'', but now I see how different this is. And for some time I thought friendships like that exist only in books and movies, but I was proved wrong, because there're still great people on this planet. :) 
One of the fears we probably all have is being judged. This is one of the main things that keeps holding me back in my life. I always admired girls and boys, who are confident enough to be unique, who change something about themselves only because they want to, who aren't afraid to show others who they really are. I used to thinks those were  all the pretty girls and attractive guys, but my mum told me that usually the most ''perfect'' ones are the least happy with themselves. That even models and celebrities feel really insecure about themselves. That in a way makes me feel better. Nobody is perfect, so don't be afraid to show your real you. Probably all people won't like you, but they wouldn't even if you pretended to be someone else. What matters the most, is that people you trully care about will and you'll feel much more comfortable being around them.
I hope this post helped you! I know it's all words and that it's harder to actually do it. Trust me, I've been there. But I don't want you to waste a minute of your life, not being the happiest you can be. :)

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