Friday 24 July 2015

Breath-taking Norwegian fjord

Hello loves! Do you want to hear about our last port in Norway? Stavanger is a charming little city with a lovely port and houses, much smaller than Oslo and Kristiansand and much more "Norwegian" if you know what I mean. I was really excited as we were going on cruise taking us to a fjord, a real fjord in my words haha. The thing is that Oslo and Kristiansand are also located in a fjord, but they aren't like one of those that you see in Geography books with very steep walls, rising high in the air, so I was a little disappointed. Well, this one was just as I had imagined it! At first I was a bit down, because it was really cold & almost foggy, with really low-level clouds, so the peaks were all surrounded with them. Luckily the boat had an inside part as well, so we didn't have to stand outside in cold while sailing towards the fjord. I must admit though, that I did went outside and took some pictures, a weird enthusiast as I am. It was so beautiful, little green islands with a few weekend houses and calm blue water all around us. And the fjord! It left me breathless! So high and flat on the top with lots of stunning waterfalls. Our boat sailed really near to one of the them and the guide got a pot of waterfall water. It was so clear & everyone got a glass of it. Much better than Volvic as you can imagine.
The sun came out later on and everything seemed even prettier. We even saw goats! I think I took millions of pictures and filmed so many videos.  But believe me, it's even more gorgeous when you see it with your own eyes. If you ever get a chance too see a fjord, feel very lucky! The two hours went by so quickly and the next thing I knew we were back in the port.

After a delicious lunch on the ship we decided to look around the city. Just beside our ship was a little village of lovely white houses in cobbled streets. They were so cute and decorated with lots of flowers. I'm not sure, but I consider them typical Norwegian. One even had a Norwegian flag! There were some curious cats peering at as with very thick fur which gave them a fluffy appearance (too bad they wouldn't let me  pat them). I was a bit jealous of their protection for cold climate and was later seriously tempted to buy one of the Norwegian knitted caps in a souvenir shop. Sadly they were all too big...I guess my head really is of a children's size. :'') I did get a key chain with a stuffed reindeer instead, because I just couldn't resist their cuteness. Well I'll always remember this magical country when I use my keys won't I? Now I don't feel bad about it anymore. :)

I was sad to leave Norway, but I will do my best to return some time in the future. Besides, there was Scotland waiting for us.
I hope that you enjoyed reading this post. Have any of you been to Norway before?  I would love to hear about your experience!


  1. A lovely post, I must say!

    I've never visited Norway, but after reading this post, the prospect would definitely appeal to me. It looks as if it is such a beautiful country.

    I'd like to have the same problem - as I seem to have a massive head. Nearing the age of sixteen, I'm also unable to buy tax free children's clothes, as far as I'm aware, which is rather inconvenient.

    Kate x

    1. Thank you!:) It is gorgeous, if you ever have a chance definitely visit it!
      Small or big, either way you have problems buying hats.
      I have problems with buying clothes as well, children's clothes are too small for me and some of the adult's still too big as I'm rather skinny. xxxx

  2. I'm in love with those white houses with the cobbled road. Fjords are just gorgeous; I live about 30 minutes away from one. :D

    xoxo Morning

    P.S. I'd love to have one of those Norwegian knitted caps too, but I suffer because of the fact that I'm pretty short and I would have to get a kids size, too. :3

    1. You do? Lucky you! They're amazing! I'm rather short and skinny too, I sometimes feel like a dwarf in my family, because everyone's so tall. :/ xxx

  3. Those pictures are beautiful! Fjords are so cool, aren't they?
    Those Noewegian knitted hats are adorable! I have quite a small head though.....I'd probably have to get a really small size :)
    Great post, by the way!

    1. Thank you! Are you tempted to visit it now?;) You definitely should if you get a chance. :) xxx

  4. what a stunning country, so breathtakingly beautiful! the Fjords look amazing! x

  5. Beautiful pictures, i live here for the past 10 years, And to tell you the truth we have no winters here, i only remember 1 couple of years back And at that time the temps were -10 C. We seldom have snów here in stavanger a total maybe of 10 days in the season. If you want snow you go into the mountains. Stavanger is beautiful, 1 more year and I go home

    1. Thank you so much! :) It's not cold in the winters? Wow, didn't expect that. I guess we just had bad luck than, I know you had a wonderful summer last year. Aw, I love snow, but it's different every year, we always get some but some years more than other. We haven't had snow for Christmas for a couple of years though :( You live in a gorgeous place! xxx


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