Sunday 19 July 2015

Send help!

Hey guys! I just found out that the following thing on my blog doesn't work. Thank you again Morning for letting me know. :) . At first I thought it didn't work, because I had used the code for blog design, but right now I have blogger's theme and it still doesn't work. If you want to follow me (*me happy dancing*), you can still add me to your reading list. If you have any idea at all, why is this happening, please let me know in the comments. I'm really worried, so thank you very much for reading this post, well actually more a notice and I hope I'll be able to fix it soon!


  1. I think I've just followed you lovely, so I think it might be working again :) Looking forward to posts of yours <3

    // xx

  2. You did? Thank you thank you thank you so much! :) I'm seriously so happy right now, you're my first follower! This is so amazing! My first follower, hurray! <3 *happy dancing to Beyonce*


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