Thursday 23 July 2015

Strolling in Oslo

Hello loves! If you want to read more about my vacation to North Europe keep on reading! So, where were we? Oh right, we had just boarded the beautiful Eurodam, thank you! Just like every cruise in Europe we had quite a busy schedule starting on the first day with Oslo, capital of Norway. When we got off the ship it was cloudy and quiet cold. We decided to follow a walking tour marked on the map that we had got in the port. We've seen the National Theatre surrounded with beautiful statues and garden and Aulaen Hall which really looks stunning with its Greek inspired front.

 To our pleasure sun came out soon and it warmed a bit, so it was really nice strolling around and observing shops' displays. We went up a little hill to the Royal Palace, but we haven't entered it, as we decided to see as much as possible of Oslo in the limited time we had. We figured out it would take quiet a while to see the whole palace properly. There was a huge statue of Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte on a horse in front of the palace as he was the one who had started building it. I was a bit more excited about it than I am usually for statues, because I had read Désirée. This book is amazing, it tells a lot about Napoleon's era and it also has an interesting story like a novel, so it doesn't get boring at all. If you want to know more, feel encouraged to read it. Here is a .link

There is also a big park surrounding it, really nice to sit and have a snack (which I did haha). After that we walked down the main street with shops on both sides, checking out our favourite stores. There were many bakeries and of course we had to try one of typical Norwegian pastries: Skolleboller, vanilla-custard filled, coconut-dusted buns. I tried just a little bit (because of diabetes) and it was good, just really really sweet. At the end of the street we came across Opera house and Central Station.  Opera house really stands out with its modern appearance. Because it was already around 1pm, we decided to return to the ship and have a lunch there.
I really enjoyed my time in Oslo as it wasn't very tiring and we've basically seen it all. If I ever return (I hope I do!) I will for sure visit the palace again. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and that you'll see all sights with your own eyes one day.


1 comment:

  1. Lucky! Europe has such beautiful cities with such rich culture... I'd love to visit someday. My grandmother went to Oslo herself and said that it was a lovely city. ^.^

    xoxo Morning


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